Crimes of emissions

The California Carr wildfire was caused by a flat tire As of Monday morning, seven people have died from the Carr California wildfire started on...

Love and justice for all

Editor, Memorial night on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow showed excerpts of her interviews with most of the Democratic candidates running for president. I liked them all....

Climate plans

If you don’t know where you are going, you may wind up someplace else. – Yogi Berra Without a clear goal and a plan to...

Adamson’s World

Adamson toon

Tree stewardship

Editor, I am pleased to hear that the Planning Commission is looking at the way they issue tree cut permits. It’s been distressing lately to...

Thanking veterans

Editor, Reflecting back on this past Memorial Day, I found it’s become very trendy and popular these days for people to walk up to a...

Oil or water?

If you spill a cup of coffee, or take your dog for a walk, no one gets too excited. Leaks and spills are words...



New climate threats

Dr. John House said in Climate Chaos, “Decline in net energy, unsustainable mountains of debt, and climate change are just a few of the...


Breakfast in Virginia