Happy tails

Editor, I keep forgetting that old adage “if it bleeds, it leads” regarding the news media and social networks. As a result, I often feel despair...

Another Opinion

History, yes; Honor, no NWA has long acquiesced to the presence of un-contextualized confederate states of america (csa) honorifics. The csa, based solely on the...

The flag must be flown

Editor, In December 1971 the National League of POW/MIA families recognized the need for a symbol of our POW/MIAs. An advertising agency employee designed a...

Education is key

Editor, This is my reaction to the sweet and compassionate Christian lady who wrote a letter last week about who uses which bathrooms. First, transgender people...

Avoid politics and go to the greenhouse

Editor, Today, Thursday, I made the mistake of listening to the news about the continuing saga of greed and corruption of “our” president and his...

Is the generation after Z the Coronials?

Last week a Berryville paper published yearbook headshots of the graduating seniors in our county’s high schools, in order of size, Berryville, Green Forest,...

Caring for Life

Our loyalties are to the species and to the planet. We speak for earth. Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not just...

Big fun on White Street

Editor, My husband and I visited your wonderful town the week of October 30. We’ve been there several times and always enjoy ourselves, but this...

Protect neighborhoods

Editor, The owners of the home at 14 Washington St. have asked to rezone their property from R-1 Victorian Residential to C-3 Quiet Commercial to be allowed...

Giving revenue to people can calm carbon pricing angst seen in France

In their well-intentioned effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, the French government announced it would increase fuel taxes to discourage...