Having fun raising funds

Editor, The women of the Goddess Gala/Merlin Foundation Benefit thank you for your excellent coverage of our event. With your help we raised over $4000...

See oursels as ithers see us? Cool.

Editor, I thank you and the entire Independent crew for doing what you do so well. For this community as a whole and for many...

Editorial: Payout is great for polluting the Buffalo

Recent news that the State of Arkansas had reached a settlement to pay the owners of C&H Farms $6.2 million to shut down the...

Guestatorial: Eureka’s lost dog park?

Eureka Springs is touted as being a dog-friendly place, nationally recognized twice as one of the top five dog-friendly cities in the U.S.! Our dog...

Guestatorial: The crooked line

Unless you comment by Friday, your electric rates may go up! MISO ratepayers may pay for a 345-kV transmission line in Wisconsin. If your utility...

Getting away from corporate media

Editor, Capitalism is Lust (for wealth, power and control – rule from above –- the 1 percent). Socialism is Love (community, ecology and social responsibility –...

Attaboy, ladies

Editor, We loved reading about our “rock star” librarian Loretta Crenshaw – it bodes well for these children in our community that they recognize such...

Voters turned out

Editor, As much as we despise politics, it plays a vital role in choosing our local, state and federal leaders. Voting is one of the...

Creating a peaceful economy

Oil and peace don’t mix Oil, Power, and War describes how controlling oil resources is the cause of major wars, and the impacts on world...

