

Speaking privately

Editor, One of the few benefits of the long, tiresome process by which we choose our next president is that we now all know that...

Vision of improvements

Editor, I watched the meeting where Mr. Berry mentioned investing in a generator for the water treatment plant that would pay for itself in two...

Dealing with adversity

When times get tough, encourage and support the good, discourage and avoid the bad, and protect the weak and defenseless. Many good deeds done...

Schools unsupplied

My teaching career ended June 2016; I retired when my elderly mother-in-law moved in with us. Two more years would have significantly boosted my...

How does your garden grow?

Editor, I can’t remember who does Garden of the Month but I’d nominate the Statton Gallery garden along Spring St. across from Harding Spring. Spectacular...

Diamond’s perverse pipeline

We can harness free sunlight and wind energy or we can continue wrecking the planet … but we are running out of time! California produced...

The cost of oil addiction

Ignoring Native American Nation’s treaty rights and the health of the people on the path of the black snake, Plains All-American is perpetuating the...

Good manners should prevail

Editor, The almost endless, angry braying of opinion submissions to the editor concerning President Trump is quite entertaining. The level of hysteria is as informative...

Independent Editorial: Trumpelstiltskin

We’ve seen a few presidential elections in our time, but nothing like this. Although it’s impossible to capture in one word, “incredulous” nonetheless comes...