Independent Guestatorial: What to do about that pesky auditorium?

On my first visit to Eureka Springs in 1995 I stumbled upon the city’s auditorium and caught the second half of the Emerson String...

Diamond Fairy Tales

It would be so nice if something made sense for a change. Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland The Diamond petition is based on fairy tales....

Considerations in Healthcare Policy

Healthcare access and delivery is a matter of national security. An NBC poll July 10-14 shows that 76% of Americans think the US will...

Nature knows best

A natural solution to the climate chaos Greta Thunberg, David Suzuki, Naomi Klein, Michael Mann, and a long list of renowned activists and scientists signed...

Voting season is upon us

Editor, In the race for governor of Arkansas we have a choice to elect a person  with strong moral and ethical standards  who was not born...

Need for the tax

Editor, Once upon a time in a small town, lost in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, there was a sewer plant that was in constant...

Preservation is protection

Editor, I moved to Eureka Springs after discovering its charms: Victorian era buildings and houses, narrow winding streets lined with miles of rock retaining walls,...

The downside of deforestation

What happens in the forests is heard around the world. The high risks, side effects, and hidden costs to public health, must be exposed before...

An Outlook

Break Time People adore Cheetos. It doesn’t matter that they’re high carb, high calorie, impossibly orange and totally hollow. It’s the salty crispness and addictive...

Hope springs up

Dear Eureka Springs, On behalf of myself and my campaign staff (me!), I want to thank you, the citizens of Eureka Springs, for electing me...