Be happy, it’s how to be remembered

Editor, Trump does not want to be remembered for being impeached! Even he knows that the presidents who are remembered are those who were in...

Climate justice

Burning the forests and fracking the land, the U.S. claims to lead the world The United Nations COP 25 climate summit ended last Saturday after...

The way it was

Every morning, my wife and I sit in bed, drink our coffee and solve the world’s problems. Theology, philosophy, politics, social issues, existential dread,...

Happy trails

Four years ago, I returned to Eureka Springs after living away for almost 30 years. In that time the population of Carroll County has...

Try a veggie burger, it’s really good

Editor, Thank you for your wonderful newspaper and for publishing local.   I read recently that a turkey CAFO is being proposed that will impact Dry...

Kudos to Public Works

Editor, I was driving home the other day when men from Public Works were busy repairing the potholes on our street. I said, “Happy Holidays...

Violence against women

Editor,   Every hour of the day a female is being killed by a male in our country. I’ve asked myself what is it with men’s...

President for life not out of the question

Editor,   Our country may get its just desserts – a tyrant named Donald Trump as its permanent, on-going president for life! Or, as I like...

Insist that growth be compatible with life

When we first learned that there were plans to open two limestone mining operations in the watershed of the Kings River, I wrote an...

One More Thing

ADEQ is giving the Farm Bureau and pork producers another shot at getting constituents to send in comments about the proposed moratorium on any...