The cost of getting well is fixable

Editor, To provide single-payer health care, we will first eliminate the profit-soaked health-insurance industry. We won’t need them; everyone will be completely insured from birth....

ECHOing through the hills

Editor, It is apparent that many in the area have misconceptions of what ECHO Village is. Having come to the project well into construction I am...



The great climate cover-up

Being a climate denier does not absolve elected representatives of the responsibility to set aside personal prejudices and act in the national interest. The national...

Surviving gloom

We survived January, all 31 days. I am writing this on the morning of February 3; by the time you read it, February 6...

Lasso the money

To the senate Republicans, Now that you and your party have crowned our first monarch, we know that big money is what determines your loyalty...

Mni Wiconi

“With today’s prudent rule, we are protecting America’s waterways and providing certainty to hardworking farmers, ranchers, and landowners.” – Rep. Steve Womack Here is how...

Corporate transgressions

Editor, We are now experiencing, in the U.S., the near completion of a corporate coup, roughly 50 years in its construction: a takeover by our...

Climate justice

“Now is the time to make justice a reality for all.” – MLK, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr., led the struggle for justice with words...

Ideas for Park’s Vision planning

Editor, The Parks Commission, while outsourcing their bookkeeping and to approve their quarterly financials for 2019, also pledged three months ago to “step back” to...