I can breathe

My senior year of high school I lived alone in a crummy apartment on Napoleon Avenue in New Orleans, funded by my dad who...

Viral fear and The Lone Stranger

It started slowly. Around here they started popping up – one here, one there – sometime in March. Most people did not immediately grasp...

Protectors should be just

Editor, I was sickened this last week… not with Covid-19 but with a longer lasting plague. As a “white” man I was raised with the...

Slow it down on East Mountain

Editor, East Mountain Drive is one of two streets connecting Hwys. 23 and 62. The other is Passion Play Road. EMD has no sidewalks. The...

Dictators defy democracy

Editor, I am Antifa and I follow in my father’s footsteps. My parents taught me right from wrong and good from evil and if they...

Masks show you care

Editor, It seems there is a political divide everywhere – even on whether we should protect ourselves from Covid-19 by wearing a mask. We went downtown...

Burning the forests

“Burning wood from sustainably managed forests increases carbon emissions for 40+ years,” SELC A new study by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) found wood...

Love ‘em, don’t leave ‘em

We live on a gravel road, one mile back from the paved road, then four miles to Highway 62 — a right turn to...

No carbon emissions

Net-zero is not good enough to stay below 1.5°C At the January 2020 World Economic Forum, Greta Thunberg asked world leaders to stop funding fossil...

Is the generation after Z the Coronials?

Last week a Berryville paper published yearbook headshots of the graduating seniors in our county’s high schools, in order of size, Berryville, Green Forest,...