Independent Guestatorial – The Green Pellet Deception

Dr. Luis Contreras - Recent developments regarding the U.K. Drax Group and the U.S. Enviva Partners may change the future of Arkansas. Many things...

Truth is power

Editor, I was recently accused of lying. I want to be clear that I do not believe I lied under oath. I was not accusing...

On our masthead, an unfurled American flag

We’re all for printing opinions as long as they’re not libelous. We’re enchanted by producing a newspaper every week. We’re blissed when people read...

Open letter to Arkansas’ junior Senator

Dear Senator Cotton: This morning I received an email from one of my all-time favorite students requesting recommendation letters for college scholarships, a service I...

Independent Commentary

On February 19, 2014 council members gathered in a workshop with Lonnie Clark and Dwayne Allen to discuss increasing water and sewer rates. The...

State of pollution

“Wood pellet industry on fire in Arkansas.” Asa Hutchinson   On Feb 16, 2021, Gov. Hutchinson wrote about the “benefits” of wood pellet mills for the...

Healing the planet is all about time

Cost is irrelevant when dealing with planetary extinction Last week we heard the Republican Senate would not pay for the Green New Deal. The Sunrise...

Justice for Catlin

Editor,   On Feb. 19, 2016, under the cover of darkness while hiding in the brush, Chris Butler took the life of Catlin Keck and was...

Commission would go, not the district

Editor, Due to inaccuracies and misinformation by City Historic Preservation Officer Ms. Glenna Booth, I respond to her comments in the Sept. 2 ESI.  The Nov....

Another Opinion

As a child, I imagined June was my brother’s month — he was born June 18. When I grew up, my wife and I...