Beware of strangers bearing contracts

Editor, Several landowners in Carroll County have been contacted by a company wanting to contract to place wind turbines at various locations. Sounds like a...

Blowin’ in the wind

Scout Clean Energy’s –Nimbus LLC facility proposed for Carroll County has advertised, as I have read online, that at “peak” the project will produce...

Editorial was naive

Editor, Mary Pat Boian: Your Independent editorial for the June 15 issue is naive in the extreme. Nothing to fear in a gay nightclub?  “A sports bar is...

Independent Guestatorial: Pipelines leak, why build more?

Loyalty to the Nation all the time, loyalty to the Government when deserved. – Mark Twain In 2010, the U.S. approved the 3,000-mile TransCanada Keystone...

Fracking threatens public health

Pat Robertson recently said, “There’s a desire on the part of some, and I think it’s satanic, to destroy America.” Robertson was explaining why...

Creating a peaceful economy

Oil and peace don’t mix Oil, Power, and War describes how controlling oil resources is the cause of major wars, and the impacts on world...

Plea to level the playing street

Editor, Reasons why Mayor Butch Berry should cancel the permit for the “Night Market” Dec. 9 on Spring Street and move it to Center Street: ...

War on science and Americans

“Education clearly has not been at the top of his list of priorities to address directly, but he has been very supportive of all...

Freedom of the press is democracy

Editor, Of the countless, unthinkable threats to our Democracy over the last several years, the one that concerns me most at the moment is the...

The Diamond Arkansas land grab

When dealing with snakes and fakes, be careful with fakes A pipeline from the Cushing Plains All American terminal to the Valero Memphis Refinery is...