Displaying the flag

In 1968, activist and provocateur Abbie Hoffman was arrested for wearing a shirt designed on the American flag to a hearing held by the...


She is 19 with two kids, two brothers, barely knew her father, and her children are by two separate men. The hearing I was...

Voting changes things

Editor, For many years Northwest Arkansas has suffered the blight of factory farming. These disgusting places stink to high heaven because they pack large numbers...

City should benefit

Editor, Are the 30 tents that are going to bring 1000 people going to pay the city sales tax like all the shops do? The...

Eco madness

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked. “Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat. “We’re all mad here. I’m mad....

Family thoughts

Editor, Big ballyhoo lately about family separation. Imperative that your offspring are cared for and not just in childhood, but eternally. My dad was separated at 15...

Good eating, good giving

Editor, Thursday at our farmers’ market I tried to give a jar of fresh peach preserves we had made to our Filipina friend who is...

A different way to look at hoarding

Editor, Until the recent election I would have said I was bullet proof when it came to politics – that nothing could surprise or further...

Feeding the mind and body

Editor, When I first became an avid biodiversity-focused gardener, solace came from knowing that my backyard could be a source of life and inspiration. It...

Diverse is what the world is

Editor, This recent Diversity Weekend was beautiful: many people, lesbians, gay men, children, trans folk, straight people, young and old, wonderful dogs, vendors, people in...