An Explanation

Red Scare II Joe McCarthy must be laughing out loud in his little corner of Hell, watching as Democrats and liberals (libtards) are scorned as...

An Outlook

On Edge How long can you hold your breath? 60 seconds. How about six days? Waiting to exhale used to be a novel about romance....

The Coffee Table

Now is the winter of our discontent, made vainglorious autumn by this son of a trump. (My apologies to William Shakespeare, and to Richard...

Benefit for few, detriment for many

Editor, Let’s call the “Entertainment District” what it is: permission to publicly drink alcohol downtown on the curvy, steep, slippery, old sidewalks and streets. Streets...

‘I would follow her into any action’

Editor, I have had the blessing of serving as Suzie Bell’s pastor for the last five years. She is an individual of great faith, courage, and...

My history of Eureka Springs

Editor, I grew up in downtown Eureka goofing around in old buildings. In the 1980s, my parents restored historic properties including 3 buildings on N....

Hospital a DIY chance

Editor, This “organizational-dynamics-situation” is a common ho-hum, conversation in any business school. Truly seasoned business consultants would vigorously recommend against further mentions of a CEO ...until...

Incorporation or destruction?

Editor, A small group of people in Holiday Island are once again trying to get the planned community incorporated. Only this time it’s on the...

Budget deception tactics

Editor, As happens every year, it is time for Holiday Island to set next year’s budget. Every year every department submits a “wish list” full...

A choice to not wear a mask?

Editor, Why aren’t we allowed to drive a car and drink alcohol? Why don’t we have the right to choose to go into a social...