Another Opinion

Certain words get under my skin. I am tired of hearing Americans referred to as consumers, as though the money we spend on food,...

Preservation is appropriate

Editor, The work put in by the HDC over many years resulted in preservation of one of the most unique towns in the country. The quality...

Questions for Parks

Editor, Thanks to all of you at The Independent Newspaper for all of your timely and complete coverage of our important local news without fear...

You are here

Editor, Even voters who don’t have a mailing address can register to vote in Arkansas. The registration form allows you to draw a map of...

Vote. Vote. Vote.

Editor, “Donald is a very sick man. He will take the country down with him and he has plenty of people to help him.” –...

HDC an asset to homeowners

Editor, When the HDC issue comes up on the Nov. 3 ballot, I hope voters are aware of how valuable a tool the HDC is for...


How good are we at restoring Nature? Regeneration is a process of restoring rivers, grasslands, forests, or other ecosystems to its highest potential. Let’s look...

Happy Labor Day, sort of

Babies taste everything—gravel, bugs, poop. Children are indoctrinated to color within the lines. Flirt with that cute kid? Avoid the bully, stand up to...

Help isn’t a department

Editor, I wanted to share with your readers what this 77-year-old widow living in the county experienced this last weekend. While looking out the kitchen window...

Council action questioned

Editor, Imagine my surprise when the city council elected a Parks Commissioner who receives a salary provide by the Walton Foundation. After years of accusations...