The sun shines on Arkansas

“We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy...

Medical marijuana at work

Editor, In October I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, Stage 4, aggressive, and it had already gotten into my bones. The result of my PSA...

High crime and misdemeanors

Editor, Monday night our mayor spent an inordinate amount of time at city council refuting crime statistics found on the Internet. Comparison websites using FBI crime...

The Devious Diamond Creek

You can step over a brook, jump over a creek, wade across a stream, and swim across a river. “The Arkansas Flood of 1927 was...

Editorial: Payout is great for polluting the Buffalo

Recent news that the State of Arkansas had reached a settlement to pay the owners of C&H Farms $6.2 million to shut down the...

Sasquatch sculpture approval questioned

Editor, I don’t have anything against the Sasquatch. In fact, I hope to see one someday. I can certainly understand the fun of the interactive...

Poison in the food

Editor, In case you are concerned with cancer, folks, take a look at this Environmental Working Group’s list of highly sprayed poisonous vegetables and fruits:...

The Pursuit Of Happiness

I’m trying hard not to sound snooty about Donald Trump’s course and progress toward the GOP’s nomination this summer, but it is a difficult...

A boss says Go! A leader says Let’s Go!

Editor, Sarah is known for telling boring lies and for being a Trump propagandist. While she has a substantial bank account in her run for...

Nature knows best

A natural solution to the climate chaos Greta Thunberg, David Suzuki, Naomi Klein, Michael Mann, and a long list of renowned activists and scientists signed...