Dissent is a vital force

Editor, Wolftoon : “My son you have traveled far to learn a simple fact. The pandemic will end when unvaccinated are none, one way or...

Cotton should be baled

Dear Tom Cotton, “We’re now one step closer to fulfilling our promise to grant much-needed tax relief to America’s working families.” That’s what it says on...

Changes happen in the blink of an eye

Editor, The Buddha: “All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation.” Big T: Four more...

Thanks, Parks people

Editor,    Deep gratitude to Scott Miskiel for his caring stewardship of the Eureka Springs parks. When he was the city gardener he took the initiative...

Silver Tea boosts The Purple Flower

Editor, St. James Episcopal Church thanks the citizens of Carroll County for their charitable spirits supporting the Silver Tea and its 2017 sponsored charity, The...

The road to 2030

Corruption, pollution, and crimes against nature   At the worst time in history, diverse interests are increasing the climate emergency by prematurely shutting down the remaining...

Climate justice

Burning the forests and fracking the land, the U.S. claims to lead the world The United Nations COP 25 climate summit ended last Saturday after...

Republicans in a dilemma

Editor, I voted for Bernie in the Arkansas primary because his proposals are absolutely necessary for a progressive nation; however, with Hillary winning the most...

Fracking hell

“Ignoring the climate disruption, sacrificing public health and the land, while destroying the American economy is criminal.” There was a time when people were highly...

Look me in the eyes

Editor, Why doesn’t not wearing a mask be considered indecent exposure? I’d rather have people wearing a mask and walking around naked. Bob King