What now?

We are running out of time to decarbonize the planet It all started when one of our ancestors was making rock music and got a...

Fire Ban

No burning allowed when the ban is on There are two urgent reasons to stop commercial logging and protect the forests. A new climate report...

Unanswered questions

Editor, Last week, a Meet the Candidates forum was held on private property. We listened to presentations that all seemed centered on “affordable housing.”  When the program...

No need to feel ‘ambient’ about starvation in Gaza

Naomi Klein wrote a recent column in The Guardian about a protest speech at the Academy Awards by Jonathan Glazer, who was accepting the...



A mop isn’t enough

Prominent contributors to the income and well-being of this city have incurred massive infrastructural damage to their home due to the city’s lack of...

Reaping praise

Editor, I want to say that I love Nicky Boyette’s The Dirt column. Especially his latest reference to the full moon looking like a White Hailstone radish....

The other side of the border

“Immigration policy should be generous; it should be fair; it should be flexible. With such a policy we can turn to the world, and...

Save the Arctic

On his way out, Trump threatens public health and the climate With changes last month of federal environmental regulations in favor of opening up the...

When I called Trella the C Word

Big, brash, combative, in your face, compassionate, courageous, smart, opinionated, empathetic, dyke, relentless, activist, shit disturber, writer, generous, socialist, uncompromising and passionate are words...