All health needs to be addressed

Editor, I cannot believe there are no professional people, mainly doctors, who have not called out the president’s behavior during the coronavirus. If these people...

Vote 45 out or be voted out

To my representatives, My wife and I want to know if your President’s actions are not impeachable, what is? Is getting your way on so...

Add to towers, don’t build new ones

Editor, Highway 62 in Arkansas has been named as one of the top 8 scenic drives for viewing autumn leaves and by USA Today for...

American Insights

The Lessons of The Federalist On Saturday, October 27, 1787, the first of eighty-five essays under the pseudonym “Publius” appeared in the New York Independent...

Time, patience and perseverance pays off

Editor, We received a beautiful German Shepherd at the police department the latter part of September. The dog seemed very vicious toward everyone. I worked...

A choice to not wear a mask?

Editor, Why aren’t we allowed to drive a car and drink alcohol? Why don’t we have the right to choose to go into a social...

Change is good

Editor, Remember the lyrics “Food, glorious food, that’s what we live for?” But we don’t want anyone to die for it… or do we? Americans love...

Time’s up

An open letter to Senators Boozman, Cotton and Congressman Womack, Are you a Russian or an American? You cannot serve two masters and must choose;...

Arts and Preservation

Editor, If you moved here in the last 42 years, having been drawn by the unique beauty of Eureka Springs, you have the Historic District...

Vote. Vote. Vote.

Editor, “Donald is a very sick man. He will take the country down with him and he has plenty of people to help him.” –...