Independent Guestatorial: Teachers still exempt from overtime pay

It is an early Christmas present from President Obama. For years, many white collar American workers have been forced to work long hours without...

The Devious Diamond Creek

You can step over a brook, jump over a creek, wade across a stream, and swim across a river. “The Arkansas Flood of 1927 was...


The Day after

Joyce Kilmer would agree

Editor, In response to Richard Waxenfelter’s letter about trees, all I can say is “I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as...

Halloween was a huuuge success

Editor, Halloween on White Street was a huge success, proving again that Eureka Springs is the place for good old-fashioned family fun. Head counts vary...

Independent Guestatorial: If we’d done this is 2006 it would be finished now

There is a lot of discussion about the 1% sales tax proposed to rebuild the infrastructure and to repay the $800K that has been...

Independent Guestatorial: Diamond Pipeline 2.0

Black touch Red, friend of Fred, Red touch Yellow, harmful D-bag Some snakes are deadly, some are safe. There are two ways to build a...

Worshipping trees

Editor, This past spring I ventured into the Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce to voice an idea. Going down into town toward the Auditorium, the schedule...

Humanitarianism runs deep

Editor, Recent articles by Becky Gillette on locals helping Syrian refugees in Greece, and another on a diplomat working with U.S. AID with people struggling...

Don’t be fooled

Editor, Don’t be fooled again, vote No on the 1% sales tax increase. It will damage tourism, our largest industry, especially retail. Don’t believe those...