A different way to look at hoarding

Editor, Until the recent election I would have said I was bullet proof when it came to politics – that nothing could surprise or further...

Independent Guestatorial: Now what?

With the election of Donald Trump as president, the United States officially entered the Age of Simulation. In keeping with its historical role as “a...

Spend energy on justice

Editor,   Since “He Who Shall Remain Nameless” was anointed by the Electoral College, our household can no longer listen to the news except for...

Event a success

Dear community, On behalf of People Helping People, I extend a heartfelt thank you to Jacqueline Wolven, Dee Bright and the Downtown Network Board for...

We’re looking good

Editor, I haven’t written for a while because I didn’t have anything good to say. I couldn’t be clever or positive due to our latest...

Independent Guestatorial: Honest Behavior

“Goodness is about character – integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat...

Another Opinion: On my morning rant

So many well-meaning friends have approached me this past week asking if I am all right. They are worried that my angry Facebook rants...

Independent Guestatorial: We look at the same moon but live in different worlds

“We wholeheartedly support the decision of the administration and commend with the utmost gratitude the courage it took on the part of President Obama,...

The flag must be flown

Editor, In December 1971 the National League of POW/MIA families recognized the need for a symbol of our POW/MIAs. An advertising agency employee designed a...

NO, Diamond, NO

“The deadliest snake may be overcome by a swarm of spiders” - Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief, World War II, Japanese Combined Fleet By Dr. Luis Contreras...