Super writer

Editor, That was a super letter you printed that Mr. Brenton sent in last week. I’ve never seen those feelings expressed more perfectly. Noelle M. Brannon

Confrontation over mask wearing

Editor, I went into the post office and found that a customer was standing at the counter without wearing a mask. It is difficult to...

Pellet bluff

Over time, we got a lot smarter and better. The snake oil types have gotten up and left because they believe there is a...

Due diligence circumvented

Editor, At the Oct. 17, 2017, meeting of the Parks Commission, Bill Featherstone, the commission’s chairman, said, “To not fully assess our inventory at Leatherwood...

Memories of the parade

Was gonna keep my mouth shut until I saw Gwen Bennett’s letter . I quit work two years ago to take care of my wife,...

QC could ease housing shortage

Editor, What better group to address Carroll County’s dire housing need than the Quorum Court? Yet, when Suzie and Dan Bell appeared before them recently about...

The uncommon Diamond pipeline

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. With an expired permit to...

Hike in sewer-water bills hard to swallow

I personally supported the proposed the one percent sales tax increase to pay for shortfalls in the amount needed to pay for the city’s...

Abuse of public trust

 Editor,              Milosevic and his family embezzled billions from the public money and he was responsible for mass murders in the Yugoslav Wars. He was...

Kind tire changing

Editor, I want to offer my wife’s and my thanks to the young man who, when he saw, “a flat tire and two white heads” helped...