Official Book of Arkansas

Editor, Some friends of mine and I were discussing the fact that our state legislature has now made the Bible the official state book of...

Independent Guestatorial: Lean energy: Better thinking for better results

“Money money money money, money For the love of money People will steal from their mother For the love of money People will rob their own brother Money money...

Trump has the checkbook

Editor, This Thursday, March 23, Republicons are voting to take away our healthcare and will replace it with the “I Don’t Care and Die Quickly”...

Times they are a changin’

Editor, Billions of bucks being spent toward a Mars trip. Some bodies are spaced out. The human race can’t decide who should go to what...

No tolerance of 45

Editor, The White House spokesperson, Sean Spicer, is speaking for “No. 45” since the president doesn’t seem to be able to explain his tweets to...

Ba-ba-bing on Spring Fling

Editor, On behalf of the Clear Spring School and the Clear Spring Fling Auction Committee, I thank the Eureka Springs community that so generously supported...

Other hospital options need consideration

Allegiance Health Management wants to renew its lease for Eureka Springs Hospital and is asking for the ESH Board to invest in renovations to...


Trump Care

Independent Guestatorial: Crude Reality

“There’s somethin’ wrong with the world today I don’t know what it is Something’s wrong with our eyes We’re seein’ things in a different way And God knows...

Name calling

Editor, Well, you’ve outdone your normal idiocy – you know we’ll call it Rumpcare because it was written by an ass. David Marry