Open letter to Republican leaders of the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and the White...

Even though I did not vote for any of you, I know and trust that those who did, did so with the expectation that...

Thank you, ESH

Editor, My granddaughter had an emergency medical episode over the weekend, necessitating a trip to the Eureka Springs Hospital emergency room. I cannot express strongly enough...

Independent Guestatorial: Lean energy solutions

There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment.” – Hunter S. Thompson Last week an Executive Order...


Government Regulations

Death penalty another form of murder

Editor, According to the Council of State Governments Justice Center, Arkansas leads the nation in prison population growth Most women in Arkansas prisons are...

Lies, Big Lies, and PipeLies

Bruce Lee said, “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” PipeLies is about money. A lie is a statement made knowing it is...


The Art of Repeal

Parking lot fundraiser

Editor, Thank you Cornerstone Parking Lot Project for allowing the Eureka Springs Cemetery Commission to monitor the parking fees this past Sunday. The commission of Bob...

Follow the rubles

Editor, It seems Hillary Clinton was right. Our new president appears to be a puppet of the Russian government. It has been reported that Trump’s...

Purse found

Editor, Thank You to Officer Billy Floyd for his dedicated and thorough police work in locating my wife’s purse and all of its contents, which...