ESCC on the j-o-b

Editor,  I want to acknowledge Cathy Segur, Zachary Whitbey, and crew at the Eureka Springs Community Center in making the center a special gathering place....

Primroses grow where we know they can’t

Editor, In an increasingly chaotic world, we have to take every opportunity to appreciate the wonders around us. This time of year brings just that...

Lichen or not

Editor, There are two sides to issues and actions. The May 4, 2022 issue of the ES Independent had a notice on page 4, “Polishing headstones...

Old things don’t look like they used to

Editor, Fifty years. ago my wife and I spent our honeymoon here in Eureka Springs! We now call it home. It seems as though things...



The best governors never planned to be governor

Editor, Yesterday my wife and I grabbed the opportunity to meet and chat with Chris Jones. Shaking hands with him, he meets my eye in...

A boss says Go! A leader says Let’s Go!

Editor, Sarah is known for telling boring lies and for being a Trump propagandist. While she has a substantial bank account in her run for...

Freedom of the press is democracy

Editor, Of the countless, unthinkable threats to our Democracy over the last several years, the one that concerns me most at the moment is the...

Truth is power

Editor, I was recently accused of lying. I want to be clear that I do not believe I lied under oath. I was not accusing...

Another Opinion

I recently received the newsletter from Carroll Electric Cooperative Corp., “On the Record,” from President/CEO, Rob Boaz. Mr. Boaz establishes his own concerns about...