Parking tickets not a problem

Editor, In reply to a letter to the editor, “Not Coming Back,” I found it laughable that the writer complained about “loud motorcycles, their...

State of Delusion

“It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so that does.” –...

Communities thrive on communication

Editor, The most disturbing aspect of the proposed plan to close Spring Street for a street fair on Dec. 9 is the lack of respect...

Thanking veterans

Editor, Reflecting back on this past Memorial Day, I found it’s become very trendy and popular these days for people to walk up to a...

Maybe polarization should melt

Friday, November 22, 1963: “Miz Nunez!” A sixth-grade girl rushes in. “Turn on your radio! The president has been shot!” Mrs. Nunez and her...

Independent Guestatorial: Crude Reality

“There’s somethin’ wrong with the world today I don’t know what it is Something’s wrong with our eyes We’re seein’ things in a different way And God knows...

A lump of coal

The unthinkable is not unlikely, it’s undeniable and undesirable, and it’s becoming unavoidable. The Trump delegation selling coal at the 2018 United Nations Climate Conference...

Philosophy term meaning ‘simpler is better’

Editor, Regarding the article in last week’s paper wherein the mayor mentioned my name, Hitchen’s Razor asserts the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of...

Veterans showered with thanks

Editor, Once again, for the seventh year in a row, Eureka Springs has honored all our country’s veterans with several events that started with the...

All the best to Mrs. Maples

Editor, On Saturday, at the Public Display of Affection in our Diversity Weekend events, a thank you to Cheryl Maples was read. Mrs. Maples was...