Beware of sheep in ACLU hat

Editor, I am politically naïve and have been politically inactive for 65 years, but our politics have gotten my full attention for over a year...

Taking a look at Trump

Editor, Body language, facial expressions, gestures can tell us a great deal about a person, regardless of his words. Our fraudulently elected president juts out...

It’s all fun and games until somebody…

From the grave, Senator John McCain disinvited President Trump from attending his funeral, requesting instead the two previous presidents deliver eulogies. Few occasions bring together...

Viral fear and The Lone Stranger

It started slowly. Around here they started popping up – one here, one there – sometime in March. Most people did not immediately grasp...

Keep pipeline out

Editor, I wish the definition of stonewalling meant building some graceful stonewalls. But it means: Delay or block (a request, process, or person) by refusing...

Words misrepresented

Editor, Thank you, Nicky Boyette, for reporting on my remarks to the Parks Commission in the March 28 issue. I do want to make a...

Binge read for insight

Andrew Yang likes to say, “The opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math.” Watching the top ten Democratic Party candidates...

Parks should involve public

Editor, My wife and I were invited by Bill Featherstone to be on the ad hoc downhill bike trail committee, an advisory committee to Parks...

Dear ES Independent

We love you! Let us count the ways... starting with the front page and the Independent thinkers (this always cheers our hearts saddened by the...

What is America’s greatest challenge?

There is a deadly challenge we all face, the solutions have been known for over 10 years, but we have ignored the problem and...