Power of the people

 Editor, Although Arkansas Representative Leding said, “The President won fair and square. There’s no question about that.” Governor Hutchinson, another Republican, said the state would...

Little bit of this, little bit of that

Editor, I can’t handle reading the weekly paper anymore with all the whacked out psychos writing letters to the editor, but we like and appreciate...

Explosively marvelous 4th parade

Editor, There are other people who deserve more recognition than I for making the 4th of July parade possible. First of all, the parade committee, Crystal...

Venting, flaring and leaking

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress! Kofi Annan Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1997 to 2006,...

Voting impediments are oppressive

Editor, Letter to the Arkansas Secretary of State Mark Martin: I am appalled by the news that Trump’s new “Voting Integrity Commission” has requested very extensive...

Destroying all that is good

Editor, Never in my nearly seven decades did I imagine I would be face-to-face with so many people espousing and enacting such vile, despicable, evil...

Our senators not working for us

Editor,     I am now 80 years old, older than dirt. Now, I love dirt since I am a happy tree-hugger and appreciate the...

How fake news manipulates us all

Facebook is in everyone’s life. We keep up with friends and family and explore our world through this medium. Personality tests appear all through...

War, pipelines, and climate withdrawal

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t....

Ignoring Lyme disease won’t make it go away

The Arkansas Department of Health had to be dragged kicking and screaming to reluctantly acknowledge there is Lyme disease in the state. Arkansas was...