Don’t be fooled

Editor, Don’t be fooled again, vote No on the 1% sales tax increase. It will damage tourism, our largest industry, especially retail. Don’t believe those...

Purse found

Editor, Thank You to Officer Billy Floyd for his dedicated and thorough police work in locating my wife’s purse and all of its contents, which...

Turning Left

Were hippies right? There’s more to today’s political mayhem than whether you voted for Trump or Clinton. The overwhelming majority of Americans (75%) consists of people...

Help those who help

Editor, Those of you who have not heard of the Unconditional Love Pet Rescue may be unaware of a fine animal rescue facility in the...

Think you’re voting for President?

Editor, No, as it turns out, you’re not. If you vote, you’re actually voting for delegates to the antiquated Electoral College. And guess what? Your...

We’ll see how this works out

Editor, The area called the U.S.A. was controlled by tribe-raiding savages and sun worshippers that arrived via the Bering Strait. George, Abe and the Christian farmers,...

An opinion about an opinion

Editor, The letter to the editor titled “Code enforcement is Haphazard,” is the opinion of one B&B owner and needs to be recognized as not...


Curve Ball

Miss Wilma could live with you

Editor, It is not often that one looks forward to a trip to the bank, but Miss Wilma, my Good Shepherd foster dog, and I...

No to gun parades

I find Mr. Grubb’s latest idea confusing, that after his second request to open a gun store and having it turned down, he is...