The millstone of Covid on the emotions

When the first case of Covid-19 was identified in Arkansas in early March, no one was prepared for how much their lives would change....

Sheriff, towing company owner still at odds

Robert Anderson has spoken up at two recent quorum court meetings, painting himself as the victim of a sheriff carrying out a personal grudge....

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Nov. 4 – 10

Remembering We Are a Courageous People  I am writing this a week before election day so I have no information on the election’s outcome. All...

Parks OKs financials

Parks commissioners were busy at their Oct. 20 regular meeting, their first since Chair Ruth Hager dismissed Executive-Director Justin Huss and the commission appointed...

Eight Covid-19 deaths reported in Berryville nursing home

The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) has reported that an outbreak of Covid-19 at the Autumn Hill Therapy and Living Center in Berryville has...

HDC grants two approvals but retains a wall

In the past three and a half years, the Historic District Commission has only rejected six applications out of 850. Last week, they added...

Doctors providing virtual Covid-19 conference

Eureka Springs saw big weekend crowds downtown earlier in October, traditionally the largest tourism month of the year. There were long lines to get...

Council hears Hospital’s vitals

At the last Eureka Springs city council meeting before the general election, the Oct. 26 meeting was short and sparsely attended. Council received an update...

Lack of financials and city hall not re-opening nettle aldermen

Council did receive consolidated Q1 and Q2 financial reports from the Parks Commission at Monday’s meeting. There were no Parks employees or commissioners present,...

Third wave of Covid-19 hits rural areas

With Halloween coming up this weekend, public health authorities are concerned that people understand we are experiencing the uncontrolled spread of Covid-19 in Arkansas,...