God and guns

Editor, Two thirds of the God Head have always been together. God sends Christ to Earth for our salvation. Christ states, “I must go back...

Looking at yesterday

Editor, Television production is crammed full of silliness, sexism, political lies and subtle advertising. In the 1980s, Austin Community Television (ACTV) was home to political activists, musicians, theatre groups,...

Mass behavior changes one

Editor, I just wanted to share an observation from my travels last week. I am in sales and was given the word from my manager that...

Trump has the checkbook

Editor, This Thursday, March 23, Republicons are voting to take away our healthcare and will replace it with the “I Don’t Care and Die Quickly”...

Art and energy and how you look at it

Editor,    How can freedom-loving Democrats, liberals, tree-huggers, animal lovers who believed in the possibilities of a fair and just United States government survive votes being...

The hills are alive with talent

Editor, The We’ve Got Talent Concert held on March 4 at the Eureka Springs Auditorium was a smashing success and played to a packed gathering...

Himself, at last

Editor, Here, today, in Trump’s response to McCain’s death, we see how total shallowness and complete vanity can conjoin in one vicious buffoon to alienate...

Arkansas Senators really don’t care about people of Arkansas

Editor, I don’t even know where to start. I cannot believe that in 2017 we as a country are actually looking at a bill that...

Just say ‘don’t do that again’

Editor, I am deeply concerned about the decision to “fire” Penny Pemberton, for her mistake in using the F-word during a volleyball game. When an...

West Coast thoughts

Editor, I think that Alliance Management is taking the hospital and Eureka Springs to the cleaners on their remuneration. I would not trust such greedy...