Eliminate one, get two in return
In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a vile multi-headed swamp beast that destroyed everything in its path. Each time one head was cut off,...
Apology demanded
Apology demanded
I am asking for an apology to me and all the rest of the citizens of Eureka Springs for the unpatriotic cartoon on...
Tin Pot dictator
We had 1000s of hours of investigation over Benghazi. We learned from those hearings that one of the causes of that tragedy was the...
Max Elbo Remembered
Talented artist and dear friend, how much you will be missed! Oh, the first wave of us hippies in Eureka! Your art will be enjoyed...
Deep in Mill Hollow
My spouse, Trella Laughlin, finally entered the list of octogenarians tiptoeing toward the next possible landmark, one year at a time. Her February 21st...
Doing our jobs
During the Town Hall meeting for the people of Arkansas in Springdale last night, Senator Tom Cotton wasn’t clear about many things, but he...
Giving thanks
A Cup of Love Ministry thanks all those who have helped, donated, supported and prayed for us. We appreciate you all so much.
We thank...
Need access to puppy mill reports
Do you have any idea what goes on in puppy mills? Owners make huge sums of money off the caging of female dogs and keeping...
Job responsibility comes up short
Welcome to the new era of politics in Carroll County. The recent meeting brought in many new faces and names to Carroll County Democratic...
Adopting horses
I just got a call from some loving people in South Dakota. Evidently, our compassionate federal government let 800+ horses starve and were going...