For the better good

Editor, A recent study of U.S. housing notes only 12 counties in the United States have affordable housing for a single minimum wage earner; Carroll...

Beware of sheep in ACLU hat

Editor, I am politically naïve and have been politically inactive for 65 years, but our politics have gotten my full attention for over a year...

Leadership lacking

Editor, Au revoir, Paris.  “President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement is the biggest failure of leadership in American history.”  So said Citizens”...

Disregard of life

Editor, US Republicon Senator John Boozman sold us out and sold his soul for $149,930. I guess that’s not considered a bad haul for a...

Patch and paint dresses it up

Editor, The Purple Flower extends heartfelt appreciation to our recent volunteers, Peg Adamson and her co-workers, Darla and Anna. From ceiling to floor, these dedicated women...

All you need is love

Editor, Hey, Jesus People, how can you profess to be Christians while hating everyone in the LGBTQ community and those who support them? If you...

Medical marijuana at work

Editor, In October I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, Stage 4, aggressive, and it had already gotten into my bones. The result of my PSA...

Takes you back

Editor, Ya know, we hippies had peace and love down as the solution to all the world’s problems. Well, we forgot that without forgiveness, we will...

Flag days

Editor, Something I have always wondered about is why Eureka Springs doesn’t fly more U.S. flags celebrating Memorial Day, July 4th and Veteran’s Day. The Doughboy...

Democracy in peril

Editor, When I was a child, my Mother taught me to type on an old Underwood typewriter. One typing exercise was: “Now is the time...