We miss Bill
Bill would have been overjoyed at all the cards and loving content that poured in after folks learned of his Earthly exit.
He honestly did...
Healthiness is important
Saturday morning’s PBS programming offered an M.D. who wants Americans to be healthy. He said only 3 percent of us are really healthy. He...
Cut it out
There is a Bible verse for everything. Psalms 142 clues us to take our complaints to the Lord.
I should have.
Two years past I stopped...
Return of the swamp creature
In the fetid swamp of the White House, there lives a three-headed congress monster, vicious and evil. This serpent with poisonous blood has been...
Put parking lots where they belong
Here we go again. Recurring controversies and resurrection of bad ideas in Eureka Springs are like the life cycles of various species of cicadas;...
Bullying unacceptable
I am always proud to be part of this hamlet we call Eureka Springs but recently an event made me not as proud. I...
Council should help, not hinder
First off, kudos to your reporters for patiently and unbiasedly reporting on our infamous City Council week after week. I am far from alone...
I sent this to Senator Boozman
Why do you continue to avoid your own constituents? You refuse to hold Town Halls and when Arkansas citizens make the effort to come...
Dear ES Independent
We love you! Let us count the ways... starting with the front page and the Independent thinkers (this always cheers our hearts saddened by the...
Thank you to protesters
It seems we, the citizens of this democracy, have lost yet another right guaranteed under the Constitution. I see that many of the lawful protesters...