We miss Bill



Bill would have been overjoyed at all the cards and loving content that poured in after folks learned of his Earthly exit.

He honestly did not realize how his friends and acquaintances viewed him. He called himself Mr. Virginia because he felt that I was the loved one. And I would tell him, “Oh, no, we are a matched set.”

I was in such a “floating through time place (or as Blake Lasater, my pastor, calls it) “widow’s brain,” that I missed doing, receiving and understanding some things. Last week I came across 10 cards that came in the week after the funeral and had never been opened. I read them and cried anew, even harder, because of the love expressed for this one-of-a-kind man, and true appreciation for who he was. Many mentioned that he was kind and witty, some even said brilliant, a gentleman, a good man. Thank you all.

Some said that their favorite memory was the day Bill was baptized in the Methodist Church. That was a very special day for everyone!

The next day, after soaking in tears, I said to a close friend, “When does the mourning stop?” And she wisely said, “Va, mourning isn’t mourning, it’s loving. You and Bill loved each other so deeply that it will be with you for the rest of your life.”

I love every one of you, and I am so grateful for your love and support and kindness to us, and to me now. I could not make it without it.

Va Voiers

(Virginia and Pastor Lasater have started “Widow’s Might” for grieving men and women. The group meets every other Wednesday from noon to one at the First United Methodist Church on Hwy. 23 South. Next meeting is August 23, all are welcome.)