Sidewalks need fixing

Editor, I thank alderman Mitchell for calling attention to my billboard in Clifty. Mitchell complained bitterly about the billboard two weeks ago but took no action. I...

Kindness begets kindness

Editor, A woman pastor wrote an article in the Unitarian magazine about the difference between “nice” and “kind.” “Nice” is a class term and “kind” applies...

IPFD to the rescue

Editor, Our sweet dog, Molly, got loose this morning during her potty break and ended up slipping off our bluff that overlooks the White River....

Immigration reform and inclusion

Editor, In settling the issue of up to 12 million undocumented immigrants currently residing in the US, I am engaged in a Constitutional review of...

Noting a federal holiday

Editor, In the matter of Cornerstone Banks policy on Martin Luther King, I initiated communication with the bank. “Are you going to be honoring Martin...

38-minute alert a wake-up call

Editor, The recent 38-minute alert in Hawaii brought forth valid panic. We have natural laws, God’s laws, Biblical hints and clues, yet 97 percent of the...

Hold meetings at CC

Editor, I am sorry to hear that the council has rejected the opportunity to move council meetings to the new room being prepared for them...

Being guided to the cemetery

Editor, We have an especially interesting cemetery in Eureka Springs. It was founded in 1879 and the Odd Fellows took over in 1889. The assortment...

Can you hear me now?

Editor, I, like all Americans except the indigenous nations of the “First Americans,” am a child of immigrants. My fore parents came from Belfast, Ireland,...

Slap on the back for council

Editor, I thank the City Council for abandoning the lease agreement for meetings’ space at the Community Center of Commerce. Through research, education and knowledge we...