Good for the community as a whole

Editor, Socialism for the people: Medicare and Social Security, among others. Trump’s socialism: $127 million of taxpayer money to build a Trump Golf Link in Queens...

Vote No on increase

Editor, I own a large retail business in Eureka Springs. Customers complain daily about the high sales tax we have in town now. Raising the...

Impaired should be unimpaired

Editor, It is soooo hot. Do you ever want to canoe the Buffalo or slosh your feet in its cool pristine waters? The Arkansas Department...

Hillary supporters at Brews

Editor, Hi, I am Mark Eastburn with the Eureka Springs chapter of Hillary for America. You may have already received a call or text from one...

Working together avoids strife

Editor, House Republicans voted 62 times to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act, without offering any “replacement” in its place. With the election of Trump, they...

If you can’t pronounce it don’t even touch it

Editor, I got my hands on this package of squash seed today and please note on seed protocol, for the new sustainable backyard network project,, seeds...

Little bit of this, little bit of that

Editor, I can’t handle reading the weekly paper anymore with all the whacked out psychos writing letters to the editor, but we like and appreciate...

EMTs are the best

Editor, On Dec. 2, 2018, Chancie (Bud) Clark suffered a stroke at our home. The quick action of your amazing EMTs saved his life. He...

Voting is how we change things

Editor, When my wife and I moved to Carroll County in 1987 I asked a local where the county dump was located and was told...

Being #8 on a whole list isn’t bad

Editor, Since our presidential election was stolen, I have cried me a river, just like our weather in Eureka recently; so I got a therapist...