Voters turned out

Editor, As much as we despise politics, it plays a vital role in choosing our local, state and federal leaders. Voting is one of the...

Joyce Kilmer would agree

Editor, In response to Richard Waxenfelter’s letter about trees, all I can say is “I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as...

When do we call it treason?

Editor, In recent days, it has become clear that Mike Flynn (Trump’s National Security Council advisor) treasonously colluded with the Russian FSB (intelligence apparatus) to...

Miss Wilma could live with you

Editor, It is not often that one looks forward to a trip to the bank, but Miss Wilma, my Good Shepherd foster dog, and I...

Trees are for the birds

Editor, Excellent letter from Suzannie Roder! She obviously is a knowledgeable gardener who cares deeply about the gardens in Eureka Springs, especially the one...

Beware of strangers bearing contracts

Editor, Several landowners in Carroll County have been contacted by a company wanting to contract to place wind turbines at various locations. Sounds like a...

Etching in stone seemed progressive

Editor, Looking for my phone seems almost as frequent an action as looking for my wallet. The ever-present cell phone is in every pocket or purse....

Apes are peaceful

Editor, As a proud member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the letter last week from Jayanthi that mentions Bill Maher’s comments...

Which side of honeysuckle are you on?

Editor, Three cheers for the Eureka Springs Cemetery Commission and the Men’s Group from the Christian Church. The cemetery fence has had a badly needed...

The power of words

Editor, Attendees, mostly students, for the ES school board meeting filled all available chairs and then some, to show our support for Coach Penny Pemberton....