Need some space

Editor, My grandmother rented a falling-down Southern mansion in Jackson, Mississippi, so she could create a boardinghouse for workers – “All you can eat for...

HISID elections are Dec. 3

Editor, Orr’s answer to “How many meetings have I attended?” “One. And it was on the adoption of the 2020 budget.” Orr said...

Folk Festival – Route 358

Editor, I first saw Route 358, a 4-piece acoustic string band, at the Folk Festival (2017) at Basin Park in Eureka Springs. I liked how...

Sipping with gratitude

Editor, The Eureka Springs Community Center raises its glass in gratitude to all those who so generously donated their facilities, food, gifts, talents, energy, and...

Call it what it is

Editor, The Nazis didn’t call themselves fascists or anti Semitic, they didn’t call themselves murderers. They called themselves patriots. They wanted to make Germany great...

Why does the Confederate flag fly in our cemetery?

Editor, I understand that we as people can look at the same image and yet see different things because of our life experiences, but we...

Class war is imperialism

Editor, Dan Krotz’s recent social commentary reminded me of Kurt Vonnegut’s A Man Without a Country. The values within Eureka and surroundings are not at all...

ESCC on the j-o-b

Editor,  I want to acknowledge Cathy Segur, Zachary Whitbey, and crew at the Eureka Springs Community Center in making the center a special gathering place....

Arts and Preservation

Editor, If you moved here in the last 42 years, having been drawn by the unique beauty of Eureka Springs, you have the Historic District...

Miss Wilma could live with you

Editor, It is not often that one looks forward to a trip to the bank, but Miss Wilma, my Good Shepherd foster dog, and I...