Please fix the road

Judge Barr and County Road Foreman Kelly, I’m a 23-year resident of Mill Hollow requesting that you grade Spring Valley Road in Harvey Estates Subdivision. ...

Happy to be here

Editor, As we close the door on 2016 this town we live in has and continues to attract new people. Why here? Are you crazy?...

Arkansas Senators really don’t care about people of Arkansas

Editor, I don’t even know where to start. I cannot believe that in 2017 we as a country are actually looking at a bill that...

Show the world we’re sane

Editor, Another mass shooting in a tourist town in the USA. Another young man committing murders in an LGBT community because he couldn’t tolerate folks just out...

Random act of kindness

Editor, After visiting your fine village, I was on my way home and had a flat tire. My roadside assistance wouldn’t help me and I couldn’t...

Deep in Mill Hollow

My spouse, Trella Laughlin, finally entered the list of octogenarians tiptoeing toward the next possible landmark, one year at a time. Her February 21st...

Misogyny is so yesterday

Editor, Last week your intrepid reporter Becky Gillette asked local women why they were for Hillary. I would like to add another 2 cents. While...

Yet More Joy

Editor, While surely we all applaud the refreshed efforts at the restoration of the Joy Motel, I feel it necessary to address what I see...

Follow the yuan

Editor, Recently, Hillary Ramrod Clinton told the Kentucky folks she would provide $30 billion to offset the coal industry losses. Bill Clinton sold the Long Beach...

Confederate monuments belong in museums

Editor, I feel obliged to remark on Dan Krotz’s “Pursuit of Happiness” . I’ve always thought Krotz’s writings were smart, but this time I think his...