And then there was snow

Now I know snow in the middle of Spring is not uncommon in Arkansas and it feels like it is becoming more and more...

Budding green all weekend

The warm weather has been nothing short of wonderful. Begone Old Man Winter! Eureka Spring is back. Not my best work with that one-liner...

The best laid plans…

I probably should have put the weather into account when I made Valentine’s Day plans but no one ever said they had to be...

Probably should get some flowers as well

This Sunday is Valentine’s Day and you all surely know how much I like to remind others of the upcoming holidays. It’s mostly because...

A daily double during Jeopardy is always great

Sometimes after a long day at work you just need to go relax at your favorite bar and have a beer or two. We...

2021 here we come!

Holy Mackerel! We made it. Last week of 2020 has finally arrived and I dare say good riddance. Excited to finally be free of...

And now the really crazy holiday season begins

The holidays in December are definitely the most stressful of the year. The mad dash to figure out what family members want for gifts,...

Turkey day is here again!

And that means getting high on tryptophan after eating one or twenty pieces too many of turkey and certainly too much of the stuffing...

Bad Jackson at Gravel Bar on Friday evening

It took me a moment to realize Bad Jackson was formerly Laurel Canyon Raiders and a terrible realization is I have not talked about...

Folk Festival still here; a little different

While we can’t have the same Folk Festival we’ve had in the past we are still getting a replacement to keep it running so...