The Nature of Eureka

Contemplating Culpeper Anyone who casually studies herbs knows the name of Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) a 17th-century astrologer, apothecary and translator. In 1652 he authored The...

Dropping a Line

Well, that’s a pic of yours truly somewhere in the ‘90s for proof you can catch fish in the cold. That did not happen...

The Coffee Table

The Systemic Sabotage of Sawbones Long ago, in a land far away, I had a kind physician who had his own private practice and always...

The Dirt on Nicky

Thomas Jefferson the gardener According to, our third president, Thomas Jefferson, maintained at his Monticello home near Charlottesville, Virginia, an 80-ft.x1000-ft. terraced vegetable garden...

The Dirt on Nicky

Sing a song of summer squash Zucchini sounds so Italian, but Carolyn Jabs states in her book The Heirloom Gardener that this variety of summer...


FAYETTEVILLE – Since last winter, Bret Bielema has operated under the notion that he would only have room for 14-16 new additions in the...

Dropping a Line

John Doorman from Edmond, Okla., with one of five stripers that were caught Monday fishing with Johnny Glantz. All were heavy fish, over 12...

Dropping a Line

Find that warm water and catch some fish. Big fish this week is our best striper that made it to the boat so far...

The Dirt on Nicky

Radish seed story We are radish seeds in little packages on a shelf. A happy lady gathers five packages, we get barcoded at checkout, and...


Women could carry this election and look good doing it. (Please, please, Elizabeth, don’t drop out of the race five minutes after this goes to...