The Pursuit of Happiness

A local businessman and all-around good citizen wrote, “When you attack the Democratic Party because it’s not living up to your expectations you’re also...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The United Methodist Church isn’t united anymore. Methodist Bishops presented a “One Church Plan” at a special conference two weeks ago that allowed local...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 29 – July 5

United States ­– Experiment in Freedom Monday, July 4, 2022, is Independence Day in the United States. It is the 246th birthday of the United...

The Dirt on Nicky

Large and furry Back when some of us spoke proto-Indo-European, we called it “moldus” because the leaves were soft. Millennia went by in a flash...

For the Health of It

The five-minute ultimate workout Two exercises elicit the protest, “I can’t do that!” from students/clients. Ability isn’t the biggest obstacle, rather insecurity. These two highly effective...

Free Parking

In wildness lies the preservation of the world. Thoreau This is an amazing little community. Four years ago, this community fought the state and power...

Clarifying dementia

In the United States alone, there are presently at least five million people living with some form of dementia. The number of cases rises...


Henry Ford once said that a business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. Ford created the Model T, a car that...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

I’ve been with my boyfriend for eight months. We’re always together, the chemistry’s great and we laugh a lot but he’s still not said...

The Coffee Table

The problem with mental health Last week I suggested that remaining silent in the face of racism signifies complicity. Today I ponder whether, by doing nothing,...