
Tell you what, there’s a silver lining in this dark cloud full of submicroscopic infectious matter that’s hanging over the world. Silver linings around clouds...

The Pursuit of Happiness

As you know, our Jack Russell Terrier is 18 years old, and on her last legs. We’ve reached the touch and go stage and...

Book Review: Murder at Brews

What immediately caught my attention about Mariellen Griffith’s novel Murder at Brews was just the amount of lists that are presented to the reader...

The Coffee Table

Silence Hurts Days after the Buffalo massacre, my phone flashed the following quote from CNN: ‘“White supremacy is a poison. It’s a poison… running through our body...


FAYETTEVILLE – Chad Morris was visibly upset following Arkansas’ embarrassing 52-6 loss to Mississippi State last Saturday. His mood hadn’t improved much by the...

The Coffee Table

An Epoch Quandary I just received my free “sample edition” of The Epoch Times, the newspaper that is “grounded in traditional journalism,” and has a “mission to...


Isn’t it amazing that we never seem to run short on mistakes, hopes and dreams? With all the thoughts, words, and other clutter that...

Dropping a Line

Fishing is fun, catching is better, and peace on the water makes it great. Going to take you for a peaceful ride upriver. As you...

The Dirt on Nicky

A morning in the garden It’s either a ritual or a habit. I take a cup of coffee and the grounds it came from to...

The Coffee Table

Reliably Unreliable On my third trip to Oregon since September, I’ve begun to get the hang of unpredictable air travel. My departure from XNA, heading to...