The Nature of Eureka

The High-Handed Poinsettia The palace of the last Aztec king, Montezuma (1466-1520), was adorned with a gift from the gods – Cutetlaxochitl – “the flower...

The Coffee Table

“I was working in the pasture, on a cold December day I was building garden boxes, and raking up some hay when I looked up overhead,...


Actually, stress can be good. It’s proficient at getting us out of danger, it’s necessary for us to meet deadlines, and it’s so recognizable...


Brown trout spawning season begins in October and can go into December. Brown trout swim up into headwater areas to spawn. They usually choose...

‘Tis the season of giving

For all of you procrastinators out there this is a gentle reminder to get your holiday shopping done. It’s halfway through December and if...

The Dirt on Nicky

Everything is chemical When I studied chemistry in college I had to learn about Avogadro’s number. Back then, information was harder to come by, so...


So far the worst thing about losing my glasses was looking at a TV screen that showed voting results in South Carolina but I...

Having REEL Fun

Another week and another big fish. Custom Adventures team member Richard Lee Rusher took his good friend Vince McCurdy out to explore new options...

Ice ribbons and frost flowers

I looked out in my backyard this morning, December 7, and once again, as has been the case for the first hard freezes since...

The Dirt on Nicky

All eyes on Asian leafy things Our part of Arkansas has had several frosty nights already. Nevertheless, I noticed a volunteer bok choy sprouted in...