Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 21-27

The Wesak Festival, Buddha Full Moon Risa - Many years ago in the early 1970s I encountered an article in an alternative paper with symbols...

The Nature of Eureka: Noxious invasive aliens

I know, I know, as a card-carrying charter (and now life) member of the Arkansas Native Plant Society, a Master Naturalists in training, and...

The Pursuit of Happiness

A local veteran made the news recently for claiming a heroic military history that may be a fabrication. As far as this being “news”...

Dropping a Line

Mike Ohls, Sr., from Garfield, Ark., did some serious jerking on April 15, opening day of our 8-week snagging season below Beaver Dam to...


A couple of weeks ago we were sitting on our office deck and heard someone in an American car equipped with an American horn,...

The Dirt on Nicky

Our old friend barley It was a pleasant evening on Wednesday, April 27, when I planted three short rows of Purple Karma barley, an ancient...

The Dirt on Nicky

132 days till spring A dose of winter brings thoughts of spring, yet we still have five more weeks of autumn. From the date of...

Hall Closets

The circus came to town, and I guess it must have stayed.  It’s like an endless parade… Warren Haynes   College athletics are in the toilet these daze...


FAYETTEVILLE – Arkansas begins fall football practices next week, but recruiting is the first order of business for Chad Morris and his football staff...

The Coffee Table

Patriotism: In the eye of the beholder? When I was a kid, my father taught me what it was to be a patriot: You “fight like...