The Pursuit of Happiness

My father was a self-employed, self-made man who hated everyone on a public payroll from the president on down to the janitor at the...


Last night was not too hot, not too cold, it was just right. That might be because someone, somewhere, changed the time on Sunday...

The Dirt on Nicky

Parsley’s age rolls merry with time Don’t you just love parsley? This nutritious carrot family member is consumed in our happy nation more than any...

Dropping of Line

Go where the water flows. Here is a little fishing hole most have never seen. It’s just a small opening about 100 yards downriver...

Free Parking

The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its...


Good day, friends. A good day is when you finally escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and venture out into the...

Dropping a Line

We got on the stripers 4 days straight during the holiday weekend. We got hit good in the same spot near Point 5 each...

The Dirt on Nicky

Time to sing a rain song Missions to Mars search for signs of life – in other words, water. Roots on a rocky hillside in...


We had picked politics cleaner than a dog bone, knew enough to stop complaining about the encroachment of progress because “it’s just not the...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Dorothy Day, a founder of the Catholic Worker movement and its monthly newspaper, The Catholic Worker, is the subject of a new biography written...