The Coffee Table

Dueling Navigators I got my first smart phone (only months ago) partly because my daughter who lives Down Under wanted me not to get lost. Siri...

The Coffee Table

Ballots and Bullets and Bullies, oh My! Last year, Kari Lake, a TV personality who ran for governor of Arizona with Donald Trump’s backing, publicly...

Dropping a Line

The fishing is hot at sunset. Beaver Lake striped bass are hitting the top at sunset as well as sunrise. It’s time for the...

The Nature of Eureka

With good rains in October and early November, followed by the first hard freeze dipping into the teens or low twenties on the morning...

The Coffee Table

Sign of the Times My bank recently asked me to sign a new agreement for online banking. The contract was not between the bank and...

Free Parking

I am so done with corrupt, self-dealing, sleazy politicians. Bob Ballinger has been in our statehouse for six years and all he has done is...

Free Parking

If you have no moral compass, there is no wrong direction! Mara Severin The inscription on the Statue of Liberty was replaced by our own...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 26 – August 1, 2023

Petals of Venus – Venus Retrograde (continued) Continuing the study of Venus retrograde (now at 28 Leo, near Regulus, heart of Leo). Venus retrogrades in...

Dropping a Line

Tuna are being caught on live and cut bait, blue marlin are being caught trolling on big, fast moving squid lures, and shark can...

The Dirt on Nicky

Hornworm horrors I got a phone call recently and the first thing the caller asked was, “How are your tomato plants doing?” Gardeners pride themselves...