Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 21-27

The Wesak Festival, Buddha Full Moon Risa - Many years ago in the early 1970s I encountered an article in an alternative paper with symbols...


The most divisive topic I remember from childhood was among neighborhood fathers. It led to words, and it was clear it would never be...

Amaranth to the rescue

In the prehistoric times before 1983, Organic Gardening magazine featured amaranth on its cover one month, along with an article about how this ancient...

The Pursuit of Happiness

We’ve talked before about the word “congruence.” Congruence is the happy agreement between reason and nature, between what we say and what we do,...

The Coffee Table

Recycled Anger I am sick to death of hearing the myriad ways I can alter my behavior to save the planet—and I am, by some...


The Chinese confirmed on New Year’s Eve 2019 that dozens of people were being treated for a mysterious yet similar illness. There was no...


Isn’t it amazing that we never seem to run short on mistakes, hopes and dreams? With all the thoughts, words, and other clutter that...


Turmoil catapults us into harmony, whether we’re acting as an individual or a nation. Really, when we’re disillusioned or confused, isn’t improvement the next...

The Nature of Eureka

Liking lichens For those of us who enjoy the flowers of spring, it’s still a little early out there. One of the things I like...


Women could carry this election and look good doing it. (Please, please, Elizabeth, don’t drop out of the race five minutes after this goes to...