
Henry Ford once said that a business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. Ford created the Model T, a car that...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I fully appreciate the reality and value of regional culture. By culture, I mean the beliefs, customs, arts, behaviors, and “way of life” of...

The Dirt on Nicky

Ultimate garden planning guide It’s time to plan this year’s garden and we’re all in this together, so here are indispensable tips to consider. Take...

The Pursuit of Happiness

It is interesting, in the way that a crime spree is interesting, to watch our two major political parties struggle with defining their political...


Hope your week went well. As for me, it went well, I got to catch some fish this week, got my fix. Just being...

The Dirt on Nicky

Urban food forests Thomas Malthus, remember him, he was the British dude who in 1798 postulated that food production on Planet Earth would at some...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There are no packages to wrap, no lights to string, and I get to do my favorite second thing...

Dropping a Line

Well, the last two Saturdays have been our warmest days of the week. Might of got stumped the Saturday before last and had nothing...

The Coffee Table

I Hate it When…   I hate it when I start a sentence with “I hate… ” as in “I hate it when Walmart rearranges things,” or, “I hate people who...

The Pursuit of Happiness

We have been fortunate in our First Ladies. Barbara and Laura Bush, Rosalynn Carter and Betty Ford were dignified and approachable women who put...