Free Parking

I’m not surprised by the uproar caused by a comedienne skewering the press and White House Press Secretary; although I am amused by the...

Free Parking

“May you live in interesting times” is an old Chinese curse and it seems to be ours. This is definitely an interesting time. The Larsen...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 19 – 25

Sun Enters Aquarius, Nodes Shift – the Narrative Changes Mercury and Venus are still retrograde. Under retrogrades, it is a good time to study. Below...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The United Methodist Church isn’t united anymore. Methodist Bishops presented a “One Church Plan” at a special conference two weeks ago that allowed local...

Free Parking

A Southern racist assassinated two black people in a grocery store who were shopping. Eleven Jewish people were slaughtered by a neo-Nazi at a...

The Nature of Eureka

A Mess of Mulberries In the last couple of weeks before I enter my home, I must take off my shoes to avoid pressing purple...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 5 – 11, 2023

A Festival Week Ahead! We have a week of converging festivals – three religious festivals, three developmental levels of humanity (Jewish Passover, Christian/Easter, Esoteric/Aquarian...

Dropping a Line

Well, I missed my deadline last week so have to say I’m sorry and hope you all had a good week. I’m still staying...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Most people are sensitive to their environments and know they are changeable, and within our power to nurture or ruin. We prefer, as examples,...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Dan Krotz - I’m a first-string church goer but don’t attend any single church regularly. If you see an old, tired fat man...