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A Southern racist assassinated two black people in a grocery store who were shopping. Eleven Jewish people were slaughtered by a neo-Nazi at a synagogue during a celebration for the birth of a child. Pipe bombs were mailed to 14 people by a red MAGA hat wearing white man who hoped to kill those that Donald Trump declared his “enemies.”

All those domestic terrorist acts happened within days after Trump loosened a wave of murderous hate speech and proudly declared himself a “nationalist.” Klansmen and Nazis all over our country cheered. At long last, someone had brought their hatred to the forefront of our collective consciousness.

These violent events are not random or isolated. Since the 2016 election results, there has been a spike in violence, especially gun violence. A recent study reports that 47,220 gun related incidents occurred this year as of October 27. 11,984 people were murdered while another 22,000 people used a gun to commit suicide.  

Contrary to common wisdom, radicalized gun violence is rarely perpetrated by either Muslims or left-leaning liberals in America. According to Gun Violence Archive, an independent data-collection and research group, an astounding 92 percent of all radical ideological gun violence in this country is perpetrated by white, right wing, fascist, extremist men.

This phenomenon of rising right wing terrorism isn’t restricted to the U.S. nor is this global emergence of hate coincidental; this is a coordinated attack by the very rich and powerful to destabilize the globe for personal profit.

Jennifer and Rebekah Mercer (daughters of billionaire Robert Mercer) recently joined a new, mysterious company, Emerdata, re-assembling the gang from resurrected Cambridge Analytica. Two new faces in the cabal, mercenary Eric Prince and his Chinese partner, Johnson Ko, have joined the psy-ops team in some, as yet, unknown capacity. It remains to be seen if they will work with the Russians again in their continued attempt at conquering the world.

This definitely feels like the last stand at the OK Corral. Our aim had best be sure as we each fire our one “bullet,” our ballot. Together our votes can save the world. Vote.