The Pursuit of Happiness

It is interesting, in the way that a crime spree is interesting, to watch our two major political parties struggle with defining their political...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Republican Party has been screwing poor people and working people every day since 1929. But this year, working folks turned out in significant...

Exploring the fine art of ROMANCE

My husband and I have talked this issue into the ground but neither of us is really sure where we stand. Is sex chatting,...

The Dirt on Nicky

Bear with me, I’m bean serious If a gardener planted pole beans after the final spring frost, the vines would be producing by now. Rains...

The Dirt on Nicky

The beet goes on Aphrodite was the goddess of love in Greek myth, and what special food did the myth-writers claim she favored to enhance...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Dan Krotz - The Republican establishment’s panic over the ascendancy of Donald Trump includes a glimmer of understanding that “the base” has finally caught...

The Coffee Table

Recognizing the Mule My phone rang. I looked at the caller-ID. It said, “Fraudulent Call,” and showed an unfamiliar phone number. I didn’t answer. But I got...


I hope everybody had a wonderful week and was able to get out and enjoy some of this beautiful weather. On the White River,...


Profiling is a tool for law enforcement, tax agents and flight attendants, but papergirls? Profiling, as we understand it, is anticipating someone’s behavior based...

The Coffee Table

An Epoch Quandary I just received my free “sample edition” of The Epoch Times, the newspaper that is “grounded in traditional journalism,” and has a “mission to...